The Centre for Rural Health Research is committed to the knowledge translation process of our research findings. We understand the importance of communicating our results to our funders, research partners, decision makers, and rural communities.
Bland, A., de Waal, A., & Grzybowski, S. (2024). Lessons learned from the COVID‑19 pandemic: The importance of physician leadership in responding to rural community ecosystem disruptions. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine, 29(2).
Bland, A., Meyer, A., Orrantia, E., Hale, I., & Grzybowski, S. (2024). Rural physician-community engagement: Building, supporting and maintaining resilient health care strategies in three rural Canadian communities. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 32.
Rezapour, A., Turner, H., Newbery, S., Grzybowski, S., & Mackey, P. (2024). Supporting future and current rural physicians. CMAJ, 196(39).
Barbour, L., Venkataraman, M., Bland, A., de Waal, A., Fischer, J., Hari, K., & Grzybowski, S. (2024). Payment model impact on the resilience of rural communities. Canadian Family Physician, 70(11-12).
Parajulee, A., Stoll, K., Humber, N., Ebert, S., Williams, K. & Kornelsen, J. (2024). The motivations and experiences of specialists who provide outreach services in rural operating rooms: A survey study from British Columbia. PLoS ONE, 19(3).
Stoll, K., Treissman, J., Av-Gay, G. & Kornelsen, J. (2024). Examining changes in compassion satisfaction, burnout, secondary traumatic stress and work-related quality-of-life of rural surgical and obstetrical nurses in British Columbia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research.
Kornelsen, J., Cameron, A., Rutherford, M., Dresselhuis, J., Johnston, S., & Meyer, A. (2024). The provincial privileging process in British Columbia through a rural lens. BC Medical Journal, 66(9), 334-339.
Kornelsen, J., Cameron, A., Stoll, K., Skinner, T., Humber, N., Williams, K., & Ebert, S. (2024). A mixed-methods descriptive study on the role of continuous quality improvement in rural surgical and obstetrical stability: Considering enablers, challenges and impact. PLOS ONE, 19(6), e0300977.
Av-Gay, G., Parajulee, A., Stoll, K., & Kornelsen, J. (2024). Evaluating rural health outcomes: A methodological approach using population-level data. Health Care Science.
Kornelsen, J., Taylor, M., Ebert, S., Skinner, T., & Stoll, K. (2024). Rural patients’ experiences with anesthesia and surgical consultations in British Columbia: A survey-based comparison between virtual and in-person modalities. Digital Health, 10.
Parajulee, A., Stoll, K., Humber, N., Ebert, S., Williams, K., & Kornelsen, J. (2024). The motivations and experiences of specialists who provide outreach services in rural operating rooms: A survey study from British Columbia. PLOS ONE, 19(3), e0298757.
Kornelsen, J., Ho, H., Williams, K., & Skinner, T. (2023). Optimizing rural healthcare through improved team function: a case study of the Rural Surgical Obstetrical Networks programme. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Kornelsen, J., & Stoll, K. (2023). The Safety of Rural Perinatal Services without Local Access to Caesarean Birth / Sécurité des services périnatals ruraux ne disposant pas d’accès local à la césarienne: A Realist Review of the Literature / revue réaliste de la littérature. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice, 22(2), 34–54.
Kornelsen, J., Humber, N., Ebert, S., & Skinner, T. (2023). Supporting rural health services through regional networks: Observations of a formalized model.
Kornelsen, J., Lin, S., Williams, K., Skinner, T., & Ebert, S. (2023). System interventions to support rural access to maternity care: an analysis of the rural surgical obstetrical networks program. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23(1), 1–13.
Stoll, K., Bendyshe-Walton, T. A., Av-Gay, G., Parajulee, A., Humber, N., Williams, K., Skinner, T., & Kornelsen, J. (2023). A retrospective cohort study of adverse maternal and newborn outcomes at rural hospitals that participated in the Rural Surgical and Obstetrical Networks (RSON) of British Columbia (2016-2021). Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada , 0(0), 102280.
Kornelsen, J., Ho, H., Robinson, V., & Frenkel, O. (2023). Rural family physician use of point-of-care ultrasonography: experiences of primary care providers in British Columbia, Canada. BMC Primary Care 2023 24:1, 24(1), 1–11.
Crystal McLeod, Curtis Leclerc, & Jude Kornelsen. (2023). Examining workforce preferences to retain rural and remote physicians: Post-pandemic considerations. University of British Columbia Medical Journal, 15(1), 20–22.
Kornelsen, J., Lin, S., Williams, K., Skinner, T., & Ebert, S. (2023). System interventions to support rural access to maternity care: an analysis of the rural surgical obstetrical networks program. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2023 23:1, 23(1), 1–13.
Kornelsen, J., Webster, G., Lin, S. Cairncross, N. Lindstrom, E. Grzybowski, S. Feasibility issues impacting optimal levels of maternity care in rural communities: implementing the Rural Birth Index in British Columbia. BMC Health Serv Res 23, 8 (2023).
Lloyd-Kuzik, N., Carthew, C., Hundal, H., & Kornelsen, J. Applying a Rural Lens to Physician Leadership in Quality Improvement: A Scoping Review. Physician Leadership Journal, 10(1), 14. (2023).
April Hards, Audrey Cameron, Eva Sullivan and Jude Kornelsen. Actualizing community–academic partnerships in research: a case study on rural perinatal peer support. Res Involv Engagem 8, 73 (2022).
Kornelsen J, Carthew C, Lloyd-Kuzik N. Optimizing Community Participation in Healthcare Planning, Decision Making and Delivery through Rural Health Councils, Longwoods Publishing – Healthcare Policy 18(2) November 2022: 27-43. doi:10.12927/hcpol.2022.26972
Kornelsen J, Nowaczek D, Johnson R, Mattei M, Moola S. Care providers’ experiences with and attitudes towards virtual antenatal care: Findings from a qualitative study in British Columbia. DIGITAL HEALTH. 2022;8. doi:10.1177/20552076221131458
Kornelsen J and Koepke K. Building Blocks to Sustainable Rural Maternity Care: Toward a Systems Approach to Service Planning, Longwoods Publishing – Healthcare Policy 18(1) August 2022 : 60-74.doi:10.12927/hcpol.2022.26904
Maya Venkataraman, Stefan Grzybowski, Darlene Sanderson, Jordie Fischer and Arlin Cherian. Environmental racism in Canada Canadian Family Physician August 2022, 68 (8) 567-569; DOI:
Kornelsen J. Family-centred maternity and newborn care: National guidelines – Chapter 8: Organization of Services [Internet]. Public Health Agency of Canada. Government of Canada; 2022 [cited 2022Sep2]. Available from:
Robinson, A., Kornelsen, J. (2022), Documenting surgical triage in rural surgical networks: Formalising existing structures. Australian Journal of Rural Health. DOI: 10.1111/ajr.12888
Sullivan, E., Cameron, A. and Kornelsen, J. (2022), Rural Residents’ Perinatal Experiences During the Initial Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study in British Columbia. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health.
Kornelsen, J., Carthew, C., Míguez, K. et al. Rural citizen-patient priorities for healthcare in British Columbia, Canada: findings from a mixed methods study. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 987 (2021).
Kornelsen J, Khowaja A, Av-Gay G, Sullivan E, Parajulee A, Dunnebacke M, Egan D, Balas M, Williamson P. The rural tax: comprehensive out-of-pocket costs associated with patient travel in British Columbia. BMC Health Services Research. 2021;21(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-021-06833-2
Jazdarehee A, Parajulee A, Kornelsen J. The experiences of rural British Columbians accessing surgical and obstetrical care. Patient Experience Journal. 2021;8(1):126-34. doi:10.35680/2372-0247.1505
Falk R, Taylor R, Kornelsen J, Virk R. Surgical task-sharing to non-specialist physicians in low-resource settings globally: a systematic review of the literature. World J Surg 2020. doi:10.1007/s00268-019-05363-7
Stanley A, Buhler H, Hobbs B, Kornelsen J, Lamont S, et al. (2019). Standardised early warning scores in rural interfacility transfers: a pilot study into their potential as a decision-making aid. Can J Rural Med; 24(3):83-91.
Stirk, L. and Kornelsen, J. (2019). No. 379-Attendance at and Resources for Delivery of Optimal Maternity Care. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 41(5), pp.688-696.e4.
Dowler M, Rushton E, Kornelsen J. Medical abortion in midwifery scope of practice: a qualitative exploration of the attitudes of registered midwives in British Columbia. J Midwifery Womens Health 2019;00:1-7.
Kornelsen J, Geller B, Janke F, Iglesias S. Learners’ experiences of an enhanced surgical skills training program for family physicians. Canadian Medical Education Journal 2018; 9:4.
Kornelsen J, Hobbs B, Buhler H, Kaus R, Grant K, Lamont SC, Grzybowski S. High acuity rural transport: findings from a qualitative investigation. Rural and Remote Health 2018; 18: 4316.
Healey GK, Macdonald A, Grzybowski S, Nevin R, Kornelsen J Hogg WE. Exploring fetal fibronectin testing as a predictor of labour onset. Canadian Family Physician, 64(3) e108-e114.
Iglesias S, Kornelsen J. An evidence-based program for rural surgical and obstetrical networks. Rural and Remote Health 2018; 18(4):4912.
Rolfe MI, Donoghue DA, Longman JM, Pilcher J, Kildea S, Kruske S, Kornelsen J, Grzybowski S, Barclay L, Morgan GG. The distribution of maternity services across rural and remote Australia: does it reflect population need? BMC Health Services Research (Internet). 2017; 17: 163.
Butt, Emma J, Kornelsen, J. Apple Tree Maternity: A Qualitative Exploration of the Development of a Rural Collaborative Interprofessional Maternity Care Service. Can J of Midwifery Research and Practice, Volume 16 (2) 2017, pp 17 – 29.
Yates, Lee, Kornelsen, J. Interprofessional Models of Maternity Care: Time for a Conversation? Can J of Midwifery Research and Practice, Volume 16 (2) 2017, pp 31 – 34.
Tran, T, Longman, J, Kornelsen, J, Barclay, L. The Development of a Caseload Midwifery Service in Rural Australia. Women and Birth 30 (2017) pp. 291-297.
Kornelsen J, Barclay L, Grzybowski S, Gao Y. Rural health service planning: the need for a comprehensive approach to costing. Rural and Remote Health (Internet). 2016; 16: 3604.
Tran T, Longman J, Kornelsen J, Barclay L. The development of a caseload midwifery service in rural Australia. Women and Birth (Internet). 2016.
Toh N, Pawlovich J, Grzybowski S. Telehealth and patient-doctor relationships in rural and remote communities. Canadian Family Physician. 2016; 62:961-3
Kornelsen J, Friesen R. Building rural surgical networks: An evidence-based approach to service delivery and evaluation. Healthcare Policy. 2016;12(1):37-42.
Kornelsen J, McCartney K, Williams K. Centralized or decentralized perinatal surgical care for rural women: a realist review of the evidence on safety. BMC Health Services Research. 2016;16:381.
Kruske S, Kildea S, Jenkinson B, Pilcher J, Robin S, Rolfe M, Kornelsen J, Barclay L. Primary Maternity Units in rural and remote Australia: results of a national survey. Midwifery. 2016;40:1-9.
Barclay L, Kornelsen J, Longman J, Robin S, Kruske S, Kildea S, Pilcher J, Martin T, Grzybowski S, Donoghue D, Rolfe M, Morgan G. Reconceptualising risk: perceptions of risk in rural and remote maternity service planning. Midwifery. 2016;38:63-70.
Barclay L, Kornelsen J. The Closure of Rural and Remote Maternity Services: Where are the Midwives? Midwifery. 2016;38:9-11.
Kornelsen J, McCartney K, Williams K. Satisfaction and sustainability: a realist review of decentralized models of perinatal surgery for rural women. Rural and Remote Health [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2016 Jul 7];16:3749. Available from:
Kornelsen J, Iglesias S, Woollard R. Rural Perinatal Surgical Services: Time for an Alliance Between Providers. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2016;38(2):179-181.
Kornelsen J, Iglesias S, Woollard R. Sustaining Rural Maternity and Surgical Care: Lessons Learned, Canadian Family Physician. 2016;62(1):21-23.
Grzybowski S, Kornelsen J, Barclay L. Closing Rural Maternity Services: Is it worth the risk? Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2016;21(1):17-19.
Munro S, Kornelsen J, Corbett K, Wilcox E, Bansback N, Janssen P. (2016). Do women have a choice? Care providers’ and decision makers’ perspectives on barriers to access of health services for birth after a previous cesarean. Birth; 44(2):153-60.
Iglesias S, Kornelsen J, Woollard R, Caron N, Warnock G, Friesen R, Miles P, Vogt Haines V, Batchelor B, Blake J, Mazowita G, Wyman R, Geller B, de Klerk B. Joint Position Paper on Rural Surgery and Operative Delivery. Canadian journal of rural medicine. 2015;20(4):129-138.
Iglesias S, Kornelsen J, Wollard R, MacLellan K. Rural Surgery Networks: Need for a Home. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2015;20(4):111.
Grzybowski S, Fahey J, Lai B, Zhang S, Aelicks N, Leung B, Stoll K, Attenborough R. The Safety of Canadian Rural Maternity Services: A Multi-Jurisdictional Cohort Analysis. BMC Health Services Research. 2015;15:410.
Kornelsen J, Atkins C, Brownell K, Woollard R. The Meaning of Patient Experiences of Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms. Qualitative Health Research. 2015;25 (1):1-10.
LeBlanc K, Kornelsen J. Giving Birth Outside the Health Care System in New Brunswick: A Qualitative Investigation. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 2015;14(3):8-15.
Longman J, Pilcher J, Morgan G, Rolfe M … Grzybowski S, Kornelsen J, et al. ARBI Toolkit: a resource for planning maternity services in rural and remote Australia. 2015 University Centre for Rural Health North Coast, Lismore.
Stoll K, Kornelsen J. Midwifery Care in Rural and Remote British Columbia: A Retrospective Cohort Study of Perinatal Outcomes of Rural Parturient Women With a Midwife Involved in Their Care, 2003 to 2008. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. 2014;59 (1):60-66.
Kornelsen J Ramsey M. Maternal and Newborn Outcomes in a Rural Midwifery-Led Maternity Service in British Columbia: A Retrospective Chart Review. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 2014;13 (2):8-17.
Greenwood S, Kornelsen J. The Experiences of Pregnant Women Accessing Food in Remote Aboriginal Communities on Haida Gwaii. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 2014;13 (1):8-14.
Vedam S, Stoll K, Schummers L, Fairbrother N, Klein MC, Thordarson D, Kornelsen J, Dharamsi S, Rogers J, Liston R, Kaczorowski J. The Canadian Birth Place Study: Examining Maternity Care Provider Attitudes and Interprofessional Conflict Around Planned Home Birth. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014;14:353.
Grzybowski S, Stoll K, Kornelsen J. The Outcomes of Rural Perinatal Surgical Services in BC: A Population – Based Study. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2013;18 (4):123-129.
Kornelsen J, MacKie C. The role of risk theory in rural maternity services planning. Rural and Remote Health. 2013 [cited 2016 Jul 5];13:2206. Available from:
Kornelsen J, Iglesias S, Humber N, Caron N, Grzybowski S. The experience of GP surgeons in western Canada: The influence of interprofessional relationships in training and practice. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education. 2013; 3(1):43-61.
Grzybowski S, Kornelsen J. Rural health services: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel. Healthcare Policy. 2013;8(3):10-16.
Atkins CGK, Brownell K, Kornelsen J, Wollard R, Whiteley A. Silos of Silence, Stress and Suffering: Patient And Physician Experiences of MUPS and Diagnostic Uncertainty. AJOB Neuroscience. 2013;4(3):3-8.
Kornelsen J, Grzybowski S. Cultures of Risk and Their Influence on Birth in Rural British Columbia. BMC Family Practice. 2012;13,108.
Miller KJ, Couchie C, Ehman W, Graves L, Grzybowski S, Medves J. Joint position paper on rural maternity care. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2012;17(4),135–141.
Munro S, Kornelsen J, Grzybowski S. Models of maternity care in rural environments: Barriers and attributes of interprofessional collaboration with midwives. Midwifery.
Kornelsen J, Iglesias S, Humber N, Caron N, Grzybowski S. GP Surgeons’ Experiences of Training in British Columbia and Alberta: A Case Study of Enhanced Skills for Rural Primary Care providers. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2012;3(1),e-33-e41.
Grzybowski S, Kornelsen J, Prinsloo L, Kilpatrick N, Wollard R. Professional isolation in small rural surgical programs: the need for a virtual department of operative care. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2011;16 (3),103-105.
Grzybowski S, Stoll K, Kornelsen J. Distance Matters: A Population Based Study Examining Access to Maternity Services for Rural Women. BMC Health Services Research. 2011;11(147),1-8.
Kornelsen J, Kotaska A, Waterfall P, Willie L, Wilson D. Alienation and resilience: The dynamics of birth outside their community for rural First Nations women. Journal of Aboriginal Health. 2011;7(1),55-64.
Kornelsen J, Stoll K, Grzybowski S. Stress and Anxiety Associated with Lack of Access to Maternity Services for Rural Parturient Women. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 2011;19(1),9-14.
Grzybowski S. Sustaining the health care services of rural communities: The role of the university. UBC Medical Journal. 2011;2(2),9-10.
Kornelsen J, Stoll K, Grzybowski S. Developing and Psychometric Testing of the Rural Pregnancy Experience Scale (RPES). Journal of Nursing Measurement. 2011;19(2),115-128.
Kornelsen J, Kotaska A, Waterfall P, Willie L, Wilson D. The geography of belonging: The experience of birthing at home for First Nations women. Health & Place. 2010;16(4),638-645.
Kornelsen, J., & Grzybowski, S. Rural maternity practice: How can we encourage family physicians to stay involved? Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2010;15 (1),33-35.
Grzybowski S., & Kornelsen J. Providing a Birth Support Program for Women of the North Island Region, Vancouver Island. An Aboriginal Midwifery Demonstration Project. 2009,1-70.
Kornelsen J. Rural midwifery: Overcoming barriers to practice. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 2009;8(3),6-11.
Grzybowski S, Kornelsen J, Schuurman N. Planning the optimal level of local maternity service for small rural communities: A systems study in British Columbia. Health Policy. 2009;92(2-3),149-157.
Kornelsen J, Moola S, Grzybowski S. Does distance matter? Increased induction rates for rural women who have to travel for intrapartum care. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2009;31 (1),21-27.
Munro S, Kornelsen J, Hutton E. Decision-making in patient-initiated elective cesarean delivery: The influence of birth stories. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. 2009;54(5),373-379.
Kornelsen J, Grzybowski S. Obstetric services in small rural communities: What are the risks to care providers? Rural and Remote Health. 2008;8(2),943-954.
Kornelsen J, Iglesias S, Humber N, Caron NR. Rural surgical service delivery. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2008;13(3),143-144.
Kornelsen J, Moola S, Grzybowski S. Geographic induction of rural parturient women: Is it time for a protocol? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2007;29(7),583-585.
Grzybowski S, Kornelsen J, Cooper E. Rural maternity services under stress: The experiences of providers. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2007;12(2),89-94.
Kornelsen J, Grzybowski S, Iglesias S. Is local maternity care sustainable without general practitioner surgeons? Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2006;11(3),218-220.
Kornelsen, J, Grzybowski S. The reality of resistance: The experiences of rural parturient women. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. 2006;51(4),260-265.
Kornelsen J, Grzybowski S. Rural Women’s Experiences of Maternity Care: Implications for Policy and Practice: A major report regarding rural maternity care, including thorough academic and BC-specific policy literature reviews and findings from interviews with rural women and care providers. Status of Women Canada. 2005.
Kornelsen J, Grzybowski S. Safety and community: the maternity care needs of rural parturient women. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2005;27(6),554-61.
Kornelsen J, Grzybowski S. The Costs of Separation: The birth experiences of women in isolated and remote communities in British Columbia. Canadian Women Studies Journal. 2005;24(1),75-80.
Kornelsen J, Grzybowski S. Is local maternity care an optional service in rural communities? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2005;27(4),329-31.
Thommasen HV, Klein MC, Mackenzie T, Lynch N, Reyes R, Grzybowski S. Obstetric maternal outcomes at Bella Coola General Hospital: 1940 to 2001. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2005;10(1),13-21.
Thommasen HV, Klein MC, Mackenzie T, Grzybowski S. Perinatal outcomes at Bella Coola General Hospital: 1940 to 2001. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 2005;10(1),22-28.
Lynch N, Thommasen S, Anderson N, Grzybowski S. Does Caesarean section capability make a difference to be a small rural maternity service? Canadian Family Physician. 2005;51,1238-1239.